Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Annotations done at Cold Fire!

Thanks to the hard work and dedication of all our Chimp and See participants, we've finished classifying another site!  Our first East African site in nearly a year, "Cold Fire" was a fun one to work on -- more chimp videos and a higher proportion of chimp videos than any site so far.  One particularly hungry old old fellow (all linked videos in highlight reel below) was spotted feeding in over 400 videos!  We also saw some monkey species new (or almost new) to C&S: blue monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, olive baboons, and guerezas, and it was only the third site to have video footage of a potto.  There were some great daytime videos of a normally nocturnal civet, and we heard the interesting vocalizations of hyrax calling at night.  We met bushpigs, close cousins of the red river hogs we saw in West Africa, and saw a beautiful hadada ibis take flight.

Here are some Cold Fire highlights:

Original videos at: ACP000b3ibACP000ate2ACP000az50ACP000asx9ACP000asylACP000aytxACP000bc4fACP000b2cpACP000bcdfACP000augc

Although Cold Fire videos are done with classification, we're still discussing and naming chimps on the Cold Fire board and we'd love your input!  There are also plenty of videos left to classify from other sites, so come over to Chimp & See to discover more fantastic videos like these!

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